Gas pipe
Gas pipe as an element of infrastructure and urban and rural facilities have great importance. In urban and rural communities and wherever human live, presence of gas is one of the development pillars and progress of that society. Gas distribution is carried out in areas by gas special pipelines, which must have special specifications and comply with certain standards.
We have relatively stable conditions in selecting of gas pipelines, and choice of the pipe is different from internal gas pressure and pipe size. In main gas pipelines use carbon steel pipes, and in urban and rural divisions, and branches of consumption, Polyethylene pipes are best choice for best type of gas pipe. Gas pipes for transfer network are made from metal pipes with very high diameter, and in urban distribution networks, also use steel pipes and polyethylene pipes. Using from metal pipes in gas transmission network due to its poor mechanical properties is not common, and polyethylene pipe has become widespread for gas transportation around the world. Pipes and fittings of polyethylene for gas distribution reduce cost and time of gas projects implementation. In gas transmission networks, one of the main operating costs of system is cost of gas transfer pipeline. Transfer cost by choosing of shortest route and the size of the polyethylene pipes used in network can significantly reduce costs involved.
Gas pipe must have proper and rigorous standards. Caution and rigorous about the gas pipe, is determined at the time of incidents. During the earthquake and after that, status of urban facilities, including urban gas distribution pipelines, have great importance. Polyethylene pipe is a fixed solution with high toughness and its ability to resist against bending and vibration caused by motion and displacement of the earth.

Benefits of polyethylene pipe systems (in an earthquake) were identified in Kobe of Japan during the 1995 earthquake. When 6,000 people died and nearly half a million homes were destroyed. The Osaka gas company found defects in metal pipe network, but there were no defects in the place where polyethylene pipe was installed. For these reasons, Japan replaces its pipelines with a variety of polyethylene pipes all over the country. Polyethylene pipe networks can save cities from unimaginable damage during earthquakes. Polyethylene pipe network has no leakage that prevents loss of safe water and drinking water, Preserves natural resources, and eliminates the penetration and penetration of contamination.
In many urban and rural gas distribution networks in the world, and especially in North America, since 1960, these types of pipes (polyethylene pipe of Special gas)) have been used, Which can be a valid reason for the quality and reliability of PE pipes and polyethylene joints. Today, more than 90% of the pipes installed for distribute of natural gas industry in the US and Canada are polymer pipes, that 99% of them are polyethylene. Fittings used in gas network are electrofusion fittings, electrofusion fittings are a type of fittings that can be used in gas pipelines and water supply lines. Electrofusion welding and fittings due to its high immunity are the only type of connection approved by IGS standard for gas transmission lines. Also experience has shown that along with its safety, other benefits of this method are high speed and connection cleanliness.
Gas pipe is one of the most important means of civilized life, Imagine for a moment that there is no gas inside our pipes, we will face with serious problems for warmth of homes, and worse of it, it's about preparing and making of food, any other subjects. With this example, we understand importance of gas and gas transmission.
Gas pipe prices
Cost of gas pipeline should be paid at any cost, and used best model, and in the event of an accident, it will cause irreparable damage. Do not pay attention to price about buying of gas pipe, and always choose a gas pipe that is suitable for location, and have all standards and certificates required. Production of gas pipes like other pipes should be under special conditions and supervision, and if you use gas pipes as a major contractor or consumer, visit from manufacturer factory of the pipe. Each order is individually tested and its raw materials are tested by valid laboratories, and compare with standards, until make sure from their quality.
Use as much as possible the coil pipe, and with this method, use from less fittings, also in this method reduce project cost, and also we can have a better route.