Job Opportunities
We invite all of those who are interested to work in a totally different environment of working to join us. According to our regular programs in line with expanding our business horizons we are looking forward seeing capable & creative people for whom we have provided related appropriate fields of activities.
Parsethylene Kish offers a dynamic growing atmosphere which is basically rule oriented & customer centered. Our guidelines are based on loyalty to the values of humanity. Transparency & honesty, mutual respect & flexibility are our outstanding features of working attitudes dominant on Parsethylene Kish activities. We welcome all successful employees who guide others to achieve success.
Procedure of joining to Parsethylene Kish
Along with our regular programs, Parsethyelen Kish is continuously expanding its personel both in office & factory. We are committed to select merit, interested & ambitious newcomers to the great family of Parsethyelen Kish.
You can send your CV to the central office of Parsethylene Kish. For completing your job request see :
We are thankful of those who have chosen this company & we will contact with our qualifiers in our new related openings. You will attend an interview with our recruitments committee to perform your abilities. You will join the family of Pars ethyelene Kish after being accepted in this stage.
Recommendation for filling out the job requests:
Since an appropriate CV for Parsethyelene kish remains a frequently asked question, we are providing you with some brief & useful information in this part.
Some fundamental parts of a CV:
Personal ID information: includes name, address, date of birth, contact number, email, military service status, marital status.
CVs without personal information will not be valid.
Education & scientific career: university subject/major, starting date, Graduation date & overall grades are needed separately.
Working history: previous job careers with specific date, location & position is an important part of each CV. If necessary you may write your achievements & add reasons of leaving the organization you were cooperating with.
Additional professional courses: these may include various scientific or technological courses.
Educational activities: In case of having any books or articles published or accepted in scientific conferences, mention the title & the date of publish.
IT skills: add your IT & application skills in your CV.
Language skills: in case of acquaintance with any languages except persain make sure to put them in with the degree of your proficiency in each skill of that language.
for Snd Resum to us go to Employment Form page or send your request to this mail