Types of Building Water Supply Pipes
Various types of water supply pipes are used in building construction. These include galvanized pipes, polypropylene pipes, cast iron pipes, PVC pipes, multilayer pipes, CPVC pipes, polyethylene pipes, brass pipes, and copper pipes, each with its specific application. In this article, we will explore the uses and types of these water supply pipes in detail.

Galvanized or Polypropylene, the Choice is Yours
Galvanized pipes are made of steel and iron. They are not highly resistant to acidic substances, which is why they are not widely used. However, galvanized pipes are commonly used for sanitary services. Their lightweight nature does not effectively prevent corrosion, making them less cost-effective. The quality of the pipe joints and welding is also an important consideration for choosing the right building water supply pipes. On the other hand, polypropylene pipes, available in green and white colors, are lightweight and easy to install. They offer good resistance to corrosion and are widely used in construction due to their durability.

Cast Iron Pipes and PVC Pipes
Cast iron pipes are considered one of the building water supply pipe types. Depending on their specific dimensions, various alloy connections can be used with these pipes. Cast iron pipes are not commonly used unless special conditions require high-quality pipes with pressure resistance and durability. They are much lighter than iron pipes but prone to corrosion, which limits their usability. The affordable price of cast iron pipes attracts attention, but their high weight hinders their widespread use. PVC pipes, on the other hand, cannot be overlooked. They are widely used nowadays due to their corrosion resistance, long-term usability, easy installation, fast operation, and lightweight nature. PVC pipes can be purchased online in yellow, white, and gray colors at reasonable prices. They have a special advantage against acidic substances, making them highly desirable in the market.

Polymer Pipes and CPVC Pipes
Polymer pipes, made of polymer with a polymer layer, have good impact resistance. They do not corrode or rust and exhibit excellent resistance to chemicals and acids, making them highly suitable for transferring hot and cold water. These pipes ensure there is no growth of fungi or bacteria inside, making them a hygienic choice for high-quality building water supply pipes. CPVC pipes are known for their hardness and low cost. They are commonly used for transferring hot and cold water.

Flexible Pipes
Polyethylene pipes, known for their flexibility, are considered cost-effective options that require minimal maintenance. They offer acceptable resistance to impact and various damages. They are commonly used for under-sink applications in kitchens due to their flexibility. Brass pipes have a shiny surface and are considered suitable for sewage traps. They are easy to cut and widely used. Copper pipes are known for their flexibility, and different thicknesses with specific markings are available. These pipes can be used for refrigerator water lines and even drinking water supply lines. Understanding the different types of building water supply pipes helps you choose a standard pipe quickly.
Final Words
Considering the diverse applications and varying qualities of different types of water supply pipes, it's important to note that some pipes, such as galvanized pipes, may not be the most suitable choice anymore. Other pipes like PVC and polymer pipes can be considered cost-effective options since they are easy to install, do not require extensive installation costs, and do not pose health risks associated with on-site cutting. Unfortunately, some people overlook the importance of quality, which prevents them from benefiting from various types of building water supply pipes.