Raw material of Corrugated pipe
Raw material for Corrugated two- wall polyethylene pipe of Pars Ethylene Kish Co.
Raw material for Corrugated two- wall polyethylene pipe of Pars Ethylene Kish is from Natural Polyethylene or White Polyethylene. These pipes are double-layered, and both layers are from polyethylene materials, and should be base materials of their polyethylene from polyethylene material and with completely homogeneous formulation, and this coordination in detail is due to the fact that layers of the Corrugated pipe are produced in two separate extruders, and finally, in corrugator section, pipe line is welded together. Polythene materials must be homogeneous for reliable and strong fusion points. For example, cannot be used for outer layer from natural polyethylene material of Maroon factory and for the inner layer from white polyethylene material factory Shazand, and both polyethylene materials must be from a factory and with similar formulation.
Corrugated polyethylene pipe material in outer layer should be resistant against ultraviolet radiation, and is black, for blackening of outer layer of a double-well pipe, a black masterbatch with a polyethylene base is used.
Corrugated polyethylene pipe material in outer layer should be white, and colored with masterbatch, and this is due to the standard requirement for production of Corrugated pipes, so in video meters, cameras have good functionality and inside of pipe is clear and visible. Inner layer of Corrugated double- walls pipes of the Pars Ethylene Kish is Blue- Green that this color is registered for Pars Etienne Kish exclusively, and their masterbatch materials are German and comes directly from Germany.
There are technical constraints on the use of black materials in production of Corrugated double-well pipes, and it is better to produce these pipes seamlessly from a white polyethylene material, and produced required colors with a high quality masterbatch. Double-pipe production line and its equipment must be equipped with the latest technology and gravimetric, which can mix amount of masterbatch and material in a suitable manner, until distribution and quality of manufactured pipe, according to the INSO 9116-3 standard.