Single wall polyethylene pipe laboratory
Pressure HDPE Pipe Quality Control Laboratory
Pars Ethylene Kish Single-wall Pipe Laboratory (QC LAB) has been commissioned to control the quality of single-wall polyethylene pipes and to conduct specialized tests. Single-wall polyethylene pipes tests are performed in accordance with national standards of Iran, and in particular the standard INSO 14427-2.
Pars Ethylene Kish Single-wall Pipe Laboratory is one of the most equipped laboratories of its kind, all of its equipment are among the most modern European devices providing the resources and facilities necessary for the realization of the objectives and the tests. The purpose of the establishment of the quality control laboratory was to carry out tests relevant to the raw materials and single-wall pipes for domestic and foreign customers. Equipment and facilities of this laboratory, as well as methods of implementation, are prepared so as to meet the requirements of this and other international and national standards. Laboratory equipment and supplies are tested by qualified experts and authorized laboratories at specified time periods stated by the standards in order to ensure that their performance is accurate and that the results of the tests are accurate error free; thus, the equipment and necessary tools of the laboratory of the single-wall polyethylene pipes are accredited.
Pars Ethylene Kish Single-wall Pipe Laboratory (QC Lab) provides all its tests and services in accordance with the International Standard ISO17025 and the laboratory has managed to obtain the NACI 17025 certificate from relevant organizations and has been announced as the partner laboratory of the standard office. The partner Pars Ethylene Kish Laboratory, which is located at the company’s place (Eshtehard Industrial Town), has been approved by the Directorate General for Standardization and their scientific and operational competence as "Partner Laboratories" (standard partner laboratories are laboratories in private or governmental sectors that cooperates with the national standard organization in accordance with the law and in accordance with the standard requirements).
The single-wall polyethylene pipe laboratory starts performing the tests from the moment of arrival of raw material and performs various tests at different intervals until the release of the final product as a single-wall polyethylene pipe; all the personnel are committed to familiarize themselves with the quality system of the laboratory and are required to adhere to its principles.
Quality Control Laboratory
17025 Certificates
Single wall polyethylene pipe laboratory
Corrugated Pipe Laboratory
Polyethylene pipe quality control
Polyethylene pipe inspection checklists
The Reason for High Quality of Pars Ethylene Kish Products
Reasons of paying attention to quality
Guaranty and after sales service