Waste Water PolyEthylene Pipe
Polyethylene double wall corrugated pipe
Polyethylene double wall corrugated pipe is a new type of plastic pipe . The smooth inside wall and the corrugated outside wall provides character with high strength, low weight, corrosion resistance, long life, easy install and easy join.
More About Corrugated PE pipe
We supplier HDPE pipe in the Middle East and Iran with the highest quality
Ployethylene Spiral Double Wall Pipe
Spiral PE pipes technically are lighter than single wall pipes which makes them an appropriate option for wastewater or similar fluids transmission with low pressure conditions
More About HDPE Spirl pipe
Hight external impact load strength
According to special design of its external surface and flexibility, deflection allows loads to be transferred to and carried by the back fill. Proper back fill is very important in determining how the load is transferred.
the internal roughness coefficient of HDPE to the flow of fluid are less than any other types of pipe. The use of HDPE type corrugated pipe provides excellent flow performance, so the same flow rate quantities can be achieved using the corrugated pipes having smaller diameter, emit smooth laminar and cot rolled flow characteristics.
Economical consideration
In addition to the above-mentioned technical specifications, easy transportation, long life and easy installation will reduce costs and make corrugated pipes economical.
The term drainage defines removing excess water from land. This has been quite common since the last 200 years. Although water collection occurs naturally but by means of drainage this natural process is expedited.
Most important usage of drains is in agriculture with the purpose of removing excess water of irrigation or rainfall. Applying underground drainage system provides the balance
between water & oxygen of soil
More About The Draining Pipe
UPVC Pipes
Parsethylene kish UPVC Pipes are manufactured according to IS: 4985-2000. uPVC Pipes as per IS: 4985 being
used in all conceivable applications ranging from ranging from Agriculture to sanitation, bore well to electrical ducts because of low cost, low pressure features they became favorites of all farmers, builders and government departments.
More About The UPVC-Pipe