Top 10 Reasons to Focus on Grey Water Treatment
Top 10 Reasons Make Pars Ethylene Kish Co Focus on Grey Water Treatment
Limitedwater resources in Iran and the commitment to environmental protection leadPars Ethylene Kish to take actions inwater conservation and initiate transferring the technology of treatinggrey water into Iran.
Grey water is thewastewater discharged from the houses including showers, washing machines, sinks, kitchens… excluding toilets wastewater (black water). The reasons leadingPars Ethylene Kish to focus ongrey water treatment can be listed as follows: 1 - Grey water makes up more than 85% of house hold waste water in Iran
2 - Grey water treatment leads to water conservation
3 - Grey water recycling and treatment is easy and simple.
4 - Treated grey water usually carries no harmful bacteria and disease causing pathogens.
5 - Grey water treatment reduces the huge amount of wastewater required to be treated
6 - Treated grey water makes a new reliable supply for irrigation water leading to more agricultural productivity
7 - Treated grey water makes a new water resource for firefighting systems
8 - Treated grey water makes a new water resource for industrial use
9 - Treated grey water makes a new water resource for car washing companies
10 - Treated grey water can be utilized in toilet flushing